Path2Quit was an integrated multi-platform campaign, communicating online, offline and in-store. It demystified the category and, in effect, caused customers to make a brand choice without even being aware of it.

An above-the-line campaign focussed on steering consumers to the site. A TVC brought the visuals of the site to life, with a ‘live action’ quitter walking along the path and making the choices at the waypoints. Similarly, radio and online advertising helped drive traffic to the website.

Online, Path2Quit took the smoker along a sign-posted path where they answered 6 questions and choose a new direction to walk. At the end of the journey, they received a product recommendation - which was emailed, SMS’d or printed.

The site helped them complete the decision-making process with interactive tools showing the financial and health benefits of quitting, plus the best tips to help them stop.


  • 60,199 unique visitors within 15 weeks of launch
  • A remarkable 90% of website visitors completed the full 6 question Path2Quit process and received a tailored product recommendation
  • AMIA Best Campaign Effectiveness
  • Effie Silver Awards
  • AFA Effectiveness awards
  • GlaxoSmithKline Global Edge Award